Themen für Bachelor-, Master- und Diplomarbeiten:

Characterization of newly developed magnetic nanoparticles

- Master thesis for 6 months -
Magnetic nanoparticles (MN) have a tremendous potential in diagnostics and therapeutics because of their low toxicity, superparamagnetic properties and simple separation.1,2 We have recently synthesized MN in microfluidics via continuous and segmented flow modes. The syn-thesized MN exhibited a higher quality as compared with batch synthesis. The particles of dif-ferent sizes functionalized with various polymers have been investigated. However, more ef-forts are required to clarify biocompatibility of these particles. We have previously character-ized binding pathways of particles during labeling of blood platelets.3 Platelets are smallest blood cells which are most sensitive to surrounding environment as they activate immediately when contacting with any non-physiological surfaces.


Aim of the master thesis:
This study focuses on identification of biocompatibility and binding pathways of our syn-thesized particles when interacting with human blood platelets.


Work packages of the master thesis:

The master student will coat the synthesized particles with several identified plasma proteins and determine binding pathways of particles when interacting with human blood platelets by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Biocompatibility of particles in human platelets will be tested by Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), confocal laser scanning mi-croscopy, and flow cytometry.


Profile of qualification and further requirements

Students of chemistry, biology, biochemistry or biotechnology with a strong tendency to work with biophysics platform are encouraged to apply. We expect to start the project as soon as possible. Application deadline: 31.03.2021. The student is financially supported by iba.

detaillierte Informationen:

Betreuer: PD Dr. habil. Thi-Huong Nguyen
