Lipidische flüssigkristalline Phasen: Neue Konzepte der Immobilisie-rung von Enzymen und Membranproteinen für biosensorische Anwendungen.
Frense, D., Nacke, T., Stöber, H.
In: Book of abstracts: Field Screening Europe 2001 in Tübingen, 01.-03.04.2001, (2001) , 214-215.2001
New biomimetic antifouling coatings for biotechnology and medicine.
Liefeith, K., Hildebrand, G., Schöbel, B., Frant, M.
In: Book of abstracts: International Confereence on Biofouling and Materials in Frankfurt, 11.-13.06.2001, (2001) , 92.2001
Impedance Spectroscopy a Tool for insitu Biomass Analysis and for the Study of the Toxic Sensitivity of Cells in Suspension Cultures.
Nacke, T., Frense, D., Beckmann, D., Göller, A.
In: Proceedings: 4th International Conference on "Electomagnetic Wave Interac-tion with Water and Moist Substances" MFPA der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 13.-16.05.2001, (2001) , 93-100.2001
Monitoring the growth of biofilms on membranes by impedance spectroscopy.
Nacke, T., Frense, D., Beckmann, D.
In: Proceedings: XIth International Conference on Electical Bio-Impedance (I-CEBI), 17.-21 June 2001, Oslo, Unipub forlag, (2001) ISBN: 82-91853-05-3, 205-208.2001
A biomechanical optimised implant for THR
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Bioaktive, schnell resorbierbare CaP-Schichten auf porösen Reintitan-schichten (PROTHEBONEâ) mit verbesserter Osteointegration.
Hildebrand, G., Liefeith, K., Schade, R., Szmukler-Moncler, S., Perrin, D., Glien, W., Rahm, J.
In: BIOmaterialien, (2001) 2/3, 103.2001
Strömungsmechanische Optimierung eines Probenahmeventils für hochviskose Flüssigkeiten.
Liefeith, K., Kaufhold, S., Appelhaus, P.
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik, (2001) 5, 494-499.2001
Hydrodynamic Influence on Sampling Systems in Bioreactors.
Gastrock, G., Lemke, K., Schade, R,. Hildebrand, G., Metze, J.
In: Chemical Engineering & Technology, (2001) 4, 351-354.2001
Sampling and monitoring in bioprocessing using microtechniques.
Gastrock, G., Lemke, K., Metze, J.
In: Reviews in Molecular Biotechnology, (2001) 2, 123-135.2001
Blood Cell Adhesion on Sensor Materials studied by Light, Scanning Electron and Atomic-Force Microskopy.
Hildebrand, G., Kunze, S. Driver, M.
In: Annals of Biomedical Engineering, (2001) 12, 1100-1105.

Sarah Kuntke
+49 3606-671-135
+49 3606-671-200