Fabrication of biodegradable tailor-made bone cartilage implants by TPA
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Algorithms for reconstruction of impedance spectra from not-equidistanly sampled step response
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Carbonyl compounds and inorganic Bronsted acids as catalysts for electropolymerization of conductive polymers
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New water-soluble photo-initiators for two-photon polymerization based on benzylidene cyclopentanones
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Mechanics of leukemic T Cell
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Linearly modulated multi-focal diffractive lens for multi-sheet excitation fo flow driven samples in a light-sheet flurescence microscope
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Towards the electrical impedance tomography for detection and classification of tumours in human brain
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Deformability and collision-induced reorientation enhance cell topotaxis in dense microenvironments
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Deformability and collision-induced reornientation enhance cell topotaxis in dense microenvironments
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Straightforward fabrication of electrochemical aptasensors with outstanding antifouling performance
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Sarah Kuntke
+49 3606-671-135
+49 3606-671-200