Inline-Mikrowellensensorik zur Bestimmung des organischen Trockenmassenanteils in Prozessmedien von Biogasanlagen.
T.Nacke, A.Barthel, D.Haendly, D.Beckmann, A.Göller
In: VDI-Berichte/VDI-Tagungsbände, Band Nr.: 2057 "Biogas 2009 Energieträger der Zukunft", ISBN: 978-3-18-092057-3, S. 221-230.2009
Atomic force microscopy and thermodynamics on taro, a self-cleaning plant leaf.
E. Hüger, H. Rothe, M. Frant, S. Grohmann, G. Hildebrand, K. Liefeith
In: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 95, 033702, DOI: 10.1063/1.3184582, 2009.2009
Online optical detection of food contaminants in microdroplets.
J. Schemberg, A. Grodrian, R. Römer, G. Gastrock, K. Lemke
In: Engineering in Life Sciences, Published Online: Aug 4 2009 5:54AM, DOI: 10.1002/elsc.200800127.2009
Mechanisch modifizierte Titanoberflächen für enossale Implantate - Korrosionseigen-schaften und Zellbiologie.
G. Hildebrand, S. Grohmann, E. Hüger, B. Rupprecht,<br>A. Rechtenbach, K. Liefeith
In: BIOmaterialien, 10 (1/2), 25-32, 2009.2009
Numerische Simulation des postoperativen Knochenumbaus am Kniegelenk.
J. Rost, K. Liefeith
In: BIOmaterialien, 10 (1/2), 58, 2009.2009
Editorial: Technical Systems for Life Sciences.
D. Beckmann
In: Engineering in Life Sciences Volume 9 Issue 5, Pages 361-362, 2009.2009
Two-Photon Polymerization for Microfabrication of Three-Dimensional Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Application.
T. Weiß, G. Hildebrand, R. Schade, K. Liefeith
In: Engineering in Life Science, Vol. 9, Issue 5, pp. 384-390, 2009.2009
Atomic force microscopy on self-cleaning plant leaves.
E. Hüger, H. Rothe, M. Frant, S. Grohmann, G. Hildebrand, K. Liefeith
In: Applied Physics Letters, 95, 033702, 2009.2009
Two-photon techniques in tissue engineering.
R. Schade, Th. Weiß, K. Liefeith
In: The International Journal of Artificial Organs, 32/7, pp. 394, 2009.2009
Project INCOMAT connecting biomaterial experts. What about Croatia?
A. Selmani, G. Hildebrand, V. Babic-Ivancic, K. Liefeith, M. Dutour Sikiric
In: MEDICINSKI VJESNIK, ISSN: 0350-6487, pp. 55-64, 2009.

Sarah Kuntke
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